Application for Participation and Presentation

Applications for making presentations at the 24th JASID Annual Conference in Osaka University

Research Presentations and Thematic sessions

Research findings and outcomes may be reported in the forms of an oral presentation or poster presentation. Oral presentations will be grouped into sessions with common themes by the Conference Organizing Committee. Each member is allowed to make only one presentation during the Conference. However, one can be listed as co-author(s) of other presentations. In principle, co-authors of presentations have to be members of JASID, even if they do not present at the Conference. For students presenting their research endeavor, they are required to secure a recommendation letter from their supervising professor. There is no specific format for the recommendation letter. There will be one chairperson and one commentator for each session. At this Conference, the time allocation for each presentation is 20 minutes (15 minutess for presentation and 5 minutess for questions and answers). For the poster presentation, recognition will be awarded to outstanding posters, following intensive selection.

Approval of applications for Research Presentations and Thematic Sessions will be made by members of the Conference Program Committee, composed of members from the Conference Advisory Committee and Conference Organizing Committee. For Thematic Sessions, members will come from multiple institutions. The themes should be cross-sectoral or cross-regional in nature, corresponding with the inter-disciplinary background of JASID – such will be the principle in the selection process.

Application for making a presentation

Submission of Summary of presentation
The deadline is on the 7th of September, 2013 *Extended

The deadline is on September 7, 2013.  From this Annual Conference, all applications should be accomplished via the on-line account of individual members. Therefore, non-members are not allowed to make applications. For those of you who wish to present have to become a member of JASID by August 10, 2013. Please follow the instructions to apply for a membership with the JASID Secretariat. Once the membership is approved, the applicant is requested to pay the membership fee, and subsequently, an on-line ID and password will be provided by the JASID secretariat.
At this Annual Conference, Summary of Presentation (Happyou youshi) will be submitted by each applicant for the purpose of selection and for compilation in the Conference Proceedings. Please download the Application form for the 24th JASID Annual Conference Summary of Presentation from the JASID website for members. The Summary must be within 1 page, and needs to be uploaded on to the JASID website on or before the deadline.  For Thematic Sessions, in addition to the individual Summaries of Presentations, a Summary of the entire Thematic Session has to be attached.

*For uploading Summary of presentation, please click “Applying for making presention”, choose a Form, fill it out, and attach the Form, in order to complete your application.

*You cannot replace the forms, once they are uploaded. Thus, please be careful in uploading the final versions of the forms.

*Notification of approved for presentations will be sent by Email in early October 2013.

*The Summaries of Presentations will be compiled as “the 24th JASID Annual Conference Proceedings”. The hardcopies of the Proceedings will be distributed at the Annual Conference.

【Instruction on how to prepare a Summary of presentation】
Please follow the format and the structure illustrated below. When making a presentation in Japanese, you also need to provide the title of the presentation and your name and affiliation in English. When making a presentation in English, delete the lines meant for title, name and affiliation in Japanese, shift the lines upwards, and then start writing the main text of your summary.

     45 characters with spaces × 45 lines
     Top, down, left and right: 25mm
    【Japanese】Title: MS Gothic, Main text and Name of presenter: Mincho
    【English】Title: Arial, Main text and Name of presenter: Times New Roman
  4)Font size
     10.5 point (Both Title and the main text. )

  1)Line 1-2: Center the Title.
  2)Line 3: Leave it blank.
  3)Line 4: Center the Name and Affiliation in Japanese. If it goes beyond one line, use extra lines, and add the number of lines to the following instructions, which are listed as 4) and beyond.
  4)Line 5: Leave it blank.
  5)Line 6-7: Center the Title in English.
  6)Line 8: Leave it blank.
  7)Line 9: Center the Name and Affiliation in English.
  8)Line 10: Leave it blank.
  9)Line 11: Start the main text.

Report of Presented Paper

Deadline for submission of the Report of presented paper
on the 11th of November 2013

The deadline is November 11, 2013 (Monday) for submitting a Report of presented paper. This is different from the application form submitted when an application was made. The Conference Secretariat will notify the format of Program Report in early October 2013. Presenters are kindly requested to upload PDF version of the Report in a designated a format by the deadline via individual on-line account of JASID.

Participation fee, etc.

The deadline for registering participation and the payment of participation fee is on the 11th of November 2013. The fees are different for advance registration and on-site payment. Presenters, Chairpersons and Commenters need to complete advance registrations and payments.

Type of membership
Advance payment
On-site payment
Participation fee for the Conference

Student member


Student member

------- JPY4,000
The fees for participation and the reception have to be wired to the account below. In order to specify the payer and the Conference participant, please make the transfer under the name of the participant.

Note: Please log in the Web Page for JASID members and apply your participation on Event page.

【Making a transfer from Post office】
Code number: 00980-9-328992
Account holder’s name: The Japan Society for International Development 24th Annual Conference Organizing Committee (Kokusai kaihatsu gakkai dainijuuyonkai zenkoku)

【Making a bank transfer】
Name of Bank: Japan Post Bank
Branch name: 099 Branch (Zerokyukyu ten)
Type of account: Checking account
Account number: 0328992
Account holder’s name: The Japan Society for International Development 24th Annual Conference Organizing Committee (Kokusai kaihatsu gakkai dainijuuyonkai zenkoku)

Conference Committee Secretariat Contact information

The 24th JASID Annual Conference Organizing Committee Secretariat
Human Development Studies, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University
1−2 Yamadaoka, Suita City, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan
E-mail:jasid24* (Please replace * with @)

*E-mails are preferred for receiving inquiries.